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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week 1-It's over! Update and thoughts

Starting Weight 294.3
Current Weight 288.8
Week 1 loss- 5.5 lbs
Pounds to Go to goal 91.8 lbs

Well, first week is done and I'm feeling pretty good about the journey. 5.5 lbs in a week that was up and down with the food and drink, not bad. As of this morning I had walked 5 out of 7 days, so some room to improve. Went out fairly early this morning and upped it to 3.5 k. 45 minutes return, not a balls to the wall pace, but faster than a stroll. Tiring the pup out for sure.
I had to buy new pants this morning, not because of the spectacular weight loss, but because of the new job search. Bought a pair a little tight, but comfortable, hope to see the difference in them within a couple of weeks. (By the way guys, if you ever have to buy dress slacks, Sears is spectacular, $21.50 including tax for a beautiful pair of dress pants).
I had to go into Vancouver yesterday during a busy hectic day but I planned, and took my water, a banana and an apple with me so I wouldn't be tempted to grab junk anywhere.
Also, I did my first shop during this little adventure. I picked a local produce store and grabbed a bunch of fresh fruits and veggies, sure makes it easy when everything is in the fridge, ready to go. I plan on cutting fruits and veggies today and putting them in plastic containers, ready and waiting so it's easy to throw a salad or whatever together. Still craving sandwiches, so today I bought some whole wheat wraps and made a delicious ham, cheese and mucho vegeetable wrap. Yummy. One other note, I haven't had a soda this year yet, so there's one more bonus.

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