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Monday, January 31, 2011

The Great Wall

Starting Weight 294.3
Current Weight 283
Total Loss 11.3 lbs
Weight to go 87 lbs
Distance Traveled 46.5k
Okay, so it's not that big of wall. I knew that I would eventually hit a snag, a wall if you will, where I wouldn't lose any weight in a week. I just expected it to be much farther in the journey. As my sister in law Sue said, "Muscle weighs more than fat", and I'm hoping that's what is happening.
Now, I only did about 12k this week, not enough I know. I'm really going to have to step it up, I need to push the 20k mark per week. Also, Adele and I had a family birthday party on Saturday and for the first time since the hockey game on Jan 4th, I had a couple of beers. And Cake. And wine. And potatoes. And Chips. Not exactly the best choices, so I'm looking at it like, I ate all that and still didn't put on any weight! Yay.
Little things: I park the car as far away as I can in every shopping mall I go to. I force myself to walk a little farther. This is not reflected in any of the totals for walked miles. This is in addition to. We have gone from 2% milk to 1% and neither of us can tell the difference. This is important because since I started this I have had cereal (Vector) most mornings for breakfast and I have gone from almost no milk to 3 or 4 glasses a week.
I really enjoy walking when I have a partner. "T" my granddaughter and I did a 3.3k walk on Sunday when I parked at Costco, then walked, then went shopping. I bought a Magic Bullet- a deluxe mixer, blender thing that allows me to make a protien drink in the same container that I take with me, less dishes.
So, goal this week is 20k, no beer and smaller portions. Wish me luck

Monday, January 24, 2011

First Ten Pounds Gone!!

Starting Weight 294.3

Current Weight 283.0

Total Loss 11.3lbs

Weight to go 87 lbs

Distance Traveled 35k
(That's what 11 pounds of butter looks like). Interesting week to say the least. I accepted the position of Property Manager with Legend Realty in Vancouver. I should receive my license on the afternoon of February 1st. So, I will have to re-arrange my schedule to make sure I have time for my walks.
Wifey and I had some friends over for dinner on Saturday night and it was the first chance for this new way of eating to go for a dump. Surprisingly we did quite well. I was craving baked potatoes so I made 4 large double baked with cheese and sour cream. Well, I ate 1/2 of one and it was all I wanted. Thank you Cam and Christine for taking the remainder home, you did me a huge favour. I had a steak which was wonderful, and we did asparagus and mushrooms with greek salad. Also did stuffed mushroom caps with cranberry goat cheese. Delicious! About the only thing that went off the rails is I had 4 glasses of wine (not driving), but I kind of expected it. No desserts though.
Yesterday Dallon and Cath had us over for Adele's birthday and we had a great time. They are so thoughtful, Adele got a walking pouch to hold her water and ipod and new walking socks, along with protien powder. We went for a 5 k walk through and around Fort Langley and then had shrimp and turkey meatballs with crab and salmon cakes. Spectacular. Late night snacks now consist of blueberries or Vector cereal. Doesn't feel like I'm missing out on anything.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I didn't realize how eating is affected (effected?) by emotions. I had heard it before, but I finally had it hit home yesterday.
I had applied for a job, and had sent a counter-offer to the company. When I saw the email pop up with their name on it, I became nervous. They turned down my counter-offer and basically said thanks, but no thanks. The second I read it, I wanted to eat. Anything-everything, didn't matter. I knew what the effect would be but it didn't matter. Self esteem down-food intake up. Wow.
I managed to sit calmly for a few minutes before composing a response and sending it off. Elvis and I then went for a walk. It was that or eat a loaf of bread.
Well, long story short, I stayed on track, I got a response back this afternoon and it looks like I am gainfully employed. Yay! Updates as we get them.
To top it off, on a whim I sent out the first chapter of a book I have been scribbling to an agent and he liked it! More info to come. It will be professionally critiqued by Monday with suggestions on how to proceed. You know what, I still want to eat. It's not because I'm hungry, it's just emotions. Good or bad, who'd a thunk it.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hey, I'm in Aldergrove!

Starting Weight: 294.3
Current weight: 287.2
Total Loss to date: 7.1 lbs
Pounds to go to total: 90.2
Distance traveled 25.5 k

I thought since this blog is called Fat Man Walking, I would try and figure out where I would be if I walked east from our home in North Langley. Well after 25.5 k, I'm in Aldergrove, a small farming community between Langley and Abbotsford. You all know it as home to the Vancouver Zoo.
One of the concerns I have is trying to walk in inclement weather. With 6 inches of snow on the ground on Wednesday, I chose to shovel snow with some other hearty souls at the marina instead of walking in it. I certainly built up a sweat, so we'll trade that off for the walk. A couple of unplanned interviews kiboshed Thursday, so I need to make up for it today.
7.1 pounds lost in two weeks is great to me. That's real weight loss, not water loss like some of the diets that propose 10 pounds in a week. Not realistic and not permanent. After all, it took me more than 2 weeks to put it on, I can't expect to lose it all in a short while. I'm really enjoying wraps, they take away my craving for sandwiches and they're easy to make. I did up 14 chicken breasts, all ready and sitting in the fridge so I can just cube them up and mix with peppers and hummus and voila, instant chicken salad, minus the mayo. Still drinking lots of water and eating tons of fruit. Adele and I have almost gone through a 5 pound bag of frozen blueberries since we started. Kiwis and oranges are in the fridge, now I'm trying to figure out what to do with the pomegranate.
See you all shortly, hopefully in Abbotsford!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Shoes, No Blues

As a Christmas present, Dallon bought new runners for Adele, Cath and me. I always grab a pair that is too big because of all the standing around I did in the film industry. That allowed me to put on extras socks etc. I never used to tie them because I wanted to be able to just slip my feet in. Apparantly that's wrong. We went to a specialty running store that does a proper measurement of your feet, finding out if you pronate or suppate (walk on the inside or outside of your feet). They took the time to fit the shoes properly. I didn't know shoes could be that comfy!

We had a chance to try out the new kix last night. Dallon and Cath continue to support Adele's and my journey, and so we all went to the track together. We each walked or ran at our own pace and though we only did a full walk for 20 minutes, it still felt great to do it as a family. We've made plans to do it again later this week, depending on the snow.

A small breakthrough to report. I wore a shirt at Christmas dinner that was uncomfortably tight. I wore the same shirt yesterday during an inerview and could distincty feel how much looser it was. That's good because I have several unworn, new shirts that are just one size too small that I would love to be able to wear by mid February.

Off to shovel snow from the floathome, it too needs to lose some weight.

Monday, January 10, 2011

2 Birds with 1 Stone

In a day that looked like it was filling up and becoming busier than I imagined, I was able to improvise. Anyone who knows my lovely wife Adele, knows she is the queen of thrift...No, she is the Empress. I defy anyone to get a better deal on anything. As she says, my favorite price is free!

We were going to do a quick run to Talese, a thrift store, where she was trying to find a specific item that I refused to pay $50 for. For her, it's like entering a shoe store (Darcee, you can relate). Bliss. I can put in about a half an hour before I'm done. Her foray into a large store like this one can encompass 4 or 5 hours. I'm not kidding! Anyway, I was wondering how I was going to get my walk in before dark. Easy solution. I did my half hour in the store and then let Adele know that I was going for a walk and to call me 15 minutes before she was ready. Well, a trip down memory lane as I went for a 40 minute walk in North Delta where I grew up. Passed my old house and old stomping grounds. I remember making the same walk when I was a young pre-teen a couple of times a day, wan't a problem then. I managed to get in a great walk on a sunny day and Adele managed to get all her shopping done without me pressuring her.

I'm starting to see that this trip is going to take some planning. I will have to schedule my walks and make sure my foods are ready. I have eaten more fruit in the last week than I did all last year. That was one of the hardest things on Atkins, almost no fruit.

We had our last glass of wine for the week. I'm going to buy one a week and when it's gone, it's gone. That's going to be a tough one.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week 1-It's over! Update and thoughts

Starting Weight 294.3
Current Weight 288.8
Week 1 loss- 5.5 lbs
Pounds to Go to goal 91.8 lbs

Well, first week is done and I'm feeling pretty good about the journey. 5.5 lbs in a week that was up and down with the food and drink, not bad. As of this morning I had walked 5 out of 7 days, so some room to improve. Went out fairly early this morning and upped it to 3.5 k. 45 minutes return, not a balls to the wall pace, but faster than a stroll. Tiring the pup out for sure.
I had to buy new pants this morning, not because of the spectacular weight loss, but because of the new job search. Bought a pair a little tight, but comfortable, hope to see the difference in them within a couple of weeks. (By the way guys, if you ever have to buy dress slacks, Sears is spectacular, $21.50 including tax for a beautiful pair of dress pants).
I had to go into Vancouver yesterday during a busy hectic day but I planned, and took my water, a banana and an apple with me so I wouldn't be tempted to grab junk anywhere.
Also, I did my first shop during this little adventure. I picked a local produce store and grabbed a bunch of fresh fruits and veggies, sure makes it easy when everything is in the fridge, ready to go. I plan on cutting fruits and veggies today and putting them in plastic containers, ready and waiting so it's easy to throw a salad or whatever together. Still craving sandwiches, so today I bought some whole wheat wraps and made a delicious ham, cheese and mucho vegeetable wrap. Yummy. One other note, I haven't had a soda this year yet, so there's one more bonus.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Exam day-Stress!

Well, I took my exam today and passed. Thank God (even if I am agnostic). The stress level is really tough to deal with, automatically want to eat but did fairly well.
Just a recap of the hockey game, ended up having 2 beer and a chicken burger, not great but one day off of the schedule won't kill me.
Find myself carrying a container of water everywhere, easy to keep hydrated. Took Elvis for a walk in the monsoon, I liked it far better than he did. I know what the gleeks of GLEE feel like when they get slushied. It was a 30 minute slush fest.
The other thing I find I am good about not eating junk except when it's in the house. My wonderful mother in law Angie sent Xmas cookies on the bus yesterday. Angie, I love you, but NO MORE FOOD.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4-First Weigh-In

Weight 292.8
Weight lost 1.5 lbs
Weight to go till goal -95.8 lbs
First weigh in today and though a small loss, it feels good to be able to chart some progress. My wife has decided to join me on this adventure, so I think it should be easier if we have each other to feed off (pardon the pun).
First day off routine though, she's back at work while I'm home studying for my exam on Thursday. Had a burrito at MacDonalds.( Conscious choice, thought that might be the healthiest thing on the breakfast menu) I'm already hungry and looking forward to a big salad at lunch. I'm going to have to plan my meals better and make sure there are healthy things in the fridge to eat, ready to go.
I'm going out tonight to a hockey game with my son Dallon. I need to plan dinner and think about what I'm going to eat at the game. I love, absolutely love, beer. I want to be realistic in this, so I know I will have one, but just one. If I cut off everything that I like, I'm not going to be successful. I need to make the best choices possible. I'll let you know how it went.

Day 3

Tiny bits of success every day. Have continued the walk, find it fairly easy to do, but the weather's been nice and clear. We'll see when the shitty rain starts to fall sideways.
Breakfast continues to be yogurt and bran flakes. Seems to work, not ridiculously hungry by lunch.
Sandwiches, my absolute favourite food. I figure if I can get it down to one sandwich at lunch instead of 2 or 3, that's a good start. Had one and a half sannies on whole wheat, mostly vegetable but some leftover salami. (I will not throw away the last of the junky food, I'm just too cheap). Dinner was an omelette and 3 or 4 ounces of ham. Easy to make and ingredients are handy. I did have a glass of white wine after dinner. Usually red, but that one's going to be hard to cut down or give up.

2011-What the hell?

I was never supposed to get to 2011 and be a fat man. I was always the big guy, big boned, broad shouldered, husky. Well. husky has turned into fat, no nice way to say it, just fat. (I'm the short fat one wearing the tablecloth)
I am 53, have just finished a course in property managment and desperately need to get back to work. I have never had a career, I've always had a series of jobs, one industry to another, pretty good at this, not bad at that. I've accumulated a lot of skills, just never the ones I needed to "become" anything.
Well, it's a new year and dammit, it's time for a change. Not just job wise, but physical, mental and emotional health. I've tried everything to lose weight including most diets. Atkins actually worked for a while. I lost 60 pounds and it was easy...until I went off it. Massive binge, gluttony, the whole deal. I put every ounce and then some back on. Guess what, something's got to give.
I thought that by posting this online, I may have the inspiration I need to complete this journey. If nothing else, the fact that I have to embarrass myself in public should give me some motivation. As of today, I will be posting my weight, my progress, my highs and lows and maybe even some pictures.

January 1st, 2011
Height 6'
Weight 294.3
They say the first step is the easiest, so we'll see. Getting on the scale was actually cathartic. I actually expected to weigh over 300 because of the Christmas booze and all the sweets. I want to lose 100 pounds. Wow!, that's another human being. My goal weight is 197 pounds. I have that number in my head. I have a picture of me at that weight (I think I was 22). I actually looked skinny.
Food: yogurt and bran flakes for breakfast, lunch was leftover chili and supper was a tuna salad. Good start.
Excercise: The goal is to walk every day. I took my little mutt Elvis out and we did a slow and casual 2k walk. Easy.